The Left Prepares To Launch Donna Hylton As The New Spokesperson For Their Pet Causes
Hylton's Story Needs Serious Vetting Before The Book & Movie Based On Her Life Come Out
Meet the person the Left is grooming to be the public face of the narratives they hope to push on the country over the next few years: Donna Hylton.
[Quick refresher: Angela Davis was a Black Panther radical in the '60's who purchased guns that were smuggled into a courtroom that led to 4 people being shot to death. ]
You can view the speech Donna Hylton gave at C-SPAN'S website. She begins her remarks at 2 hours, 19 minutes and 40 seconds into the video.
You can find plenty of pictures of Donna Hylton on-line with no problem whatsoever. She's quickly found posing with a virtual Who'sWho of the radical Left.
Hylton is intimately familiar with the US prison system, having served 27 years for participating in that crime. That's why since her release from prison on 2012, in addition to being a women's rights advocate, she's also speaking out for extensive prison reforms.
You cannot Google Donna Hylton without quickly encountering mention of her powerful biography, "A Little Piece Of Light". After 4 different mentions of the biography, I decided to try to track down a copy of it and discovered this as impossible as it has not yet been published.
Of the articles and news features I saw discussing Hylton's bio, "A Little Piece of Light, all gave the impression that this was a powerful story that had already been published and this is story is what was making Hylton famous. None mentioned the fact that not only has Hylton's biographical book not been published yet, the author tasked with writing the book may not have even finished it , as it's not due to hit bookshelves until Fall 2017.
As the Hollywood Reporter reveals in the above link, books rights to Hylton's life story were sold at a competitive auction.
Searching Hylton's name on-line also brought up the fact that not only is her biography not yet published, a movie is in pre-production based on this not-yet-published book in which actress Rosario Dawson will portray her.
My guess is at various speaking engagements Hylton has so impressed some people with her account of her life story that there is real eagerness to bring that story to the public in both book and movie form.
But this brings up an interesting question: is everybody just taking Hylton's word for it? Has anybody actually checked the veracity of the story she tells about her early life?
Are people about to invest their money into publishing Hylton's story in book and movie form without doing basic fact checking to verify any of the details?
As notes in it's article on Hylton, virtually all of her details about her early life are 'self reported'; that is, she's the only source for her history of adoption and childhood sexual abuse. Is she telling the truth, or is it now just her personal version of the truth?
Let's take a look at the story of her life that Hylton recounts to Jill Neimark, the writer of the 1995 "Psychology Today' article, "The Story of a Murderess"
1. Her mother physically abused her.
2. She was adopted [legally?] by a couple that lived in NYC
3. She had a sister who was also legally adopted by this same couple.
4. Her adoptive father sexually abused her.
5. Her adoptive mother covered up this abuse more than once when questioned about it. Hylton claims repeated cries for help were ignored.
6. She was sexually abused by her math teacher.
7. She was sexually abused by her female babysitter & next door neighbor.
Let's ask some questions:
Do Hylton's family members endorse and back up her story?
Are her adoptive parents still living? If so, what is their response to the story that Hylton tells about growing up in their home? Is there any record of this adoption having taken place?
Does Hylton's sister who was also adopted into that home confirm Hylton's version of events?
The account of her early life found in the Psychology Today article was published in 1995. Does the story Hylton tells today match what she told Jill Neimark in 1995?
If I was someone preparing to spend my own money or attaching my name to a project to publicize this person's life story, I would make sure I did my due diligence first and checked all the basic facts.
Because it should be evident if Hylton is not being forthright about her life story, especially the early years, *after* a book is published and *after* a film comes out, you'll end up not getting your money back after most of what the book and film recounts has been demonstrated to be bogus.